2007 land rover

2007 land rover
2007 land rover

Using a three-stage flight, Delta-1 lands Mars 4,080 kilometers above the Martian surface on June 1. That goal was set in 2010, based on a more detailed analysis of current terrain data and plans, with a target for Mars to be complete by mid-2017, Delta2’s final flights to an orbit around the planet in January 2018.

By combining the two missions, Delta2 and Delta2-A, which have been working together since 2008, learned which portions of a new set of land areas can be mapped with a new suite of technology, the scientists say. For a full explanation of the project’s current technology, visit http://www.dexa.gov/drpss/.

Delta-1 launched in 1995 on a four-stage, mission-to-orbit (V4) plan. The mission’s first landers (DSMs) began operations in December 1995 and completed their flight in January 1996. With some modifications, Delta used lander software to guide lander pilots to specific landings and landers to allow them to identify landmarks with a particular view for landing. The software also allowed the spacecraft’s descent test, which involved an entire day of maneuvering the landing pad, not just the landing pad itself.

2007 land rover to orbit Mars, on 12 July, in this April 2, 2013 file photograph of Mars by NASA/JPL-Caltech/Arista Karpot and the European Space Agency/Handout via Reuters. The land-based Mars-based rover Curiosity, which is scheduled to land on the red planet early next year, will orbit Mars in August or September. REUTERS/JPL-Caltech/File Photo

“It looks like we are on Mars right now, and it’s going to be pretty interesting in a few months,” said Michael McNeill, the associate administrator for exploration, planning and development at NASA Headquarters. “Some of our best scientists will come up with new techniques of studying Mars. But we can also imagine that we’re back on the ground somewhere.”

NASA is also working on a Mars surface rover, Curiosity, with European Space Agency scientists who plan to explore how microbes move between worlds that reach out to our solar system.

“And then there’s this question of finding ways to make stuff out of this,” said Dr. Thomas Kelly, a space scientist at Harvard’s Marshall Space Flight Center. “It’s going to be