Home, Furniture & Appliances in Addis Ketema

Home, Furniture & Appliances in Addis Ketema
Home, Furniture & Appliances in Addis Ketema


100% of the retail cost for the complete products in the category is based on the purchase price.

Shipping & Handling

Custom Lending

Custom Lending services

International Credit

International Credit is one of the most trusted services for businesses in India. This allows businesses to accept international customers of their choosing to receive their products in a discounted price. When you order a product for delivery under the direct purchase option, as well as a credit card, you can expect to receive a free return in 15 to 20 days even to those customers who have made a deposit.

With its dedicated support and expert customer service, we are able to help you reduce the cost of delivering all orders during the same billing period.

Business Cards and Credit Cards

The mobile wallet and smartphone banking features enable you to set up your own bank account anytime you like.

Custom Banking (Mobile Wallet, Desktop Banking, Bank Transfer, Wallet & Bank Card)

Just open an Account Page of

Home, Furniture & Appliances in Addis Ketema

Home, Furniture & Appliances in Addis Ketema
Home, Furniture & Appliances in Addis Ketema


100% of the retail cost for the complete products in the category is based on the purchase price.

Shipping & Handling

Custom Lending

Custom Lending services

International Credit

International Credit is one of the most trusted services for businesses in India. This allows businesses to accept international customers of their choosing to receive their products in a discounted price. When you order a product for delivery under the direct purchase option, as well as a credit card, you can expect to receive a free return in 15 to 20 days even to those customers who have made a deposit.

With its dedicated support and expert customer service, we are able to help you reduce the cost of delivering all orders during the same billing period.

Business Cards and Credit Cards

The mobile wallet and smartphone banking features enable you to set up your own bank account anytime you like.

Custom Banking (Mobile Wallet, Desktop Banking, Bank Transfer, Wallet & Bank Card)

Just open an Account Page of