В социальных сетях сообщают, что украинские ДРГ начали работать по территории Белгородской и Ростовской области.

Из проверенных и достоверных источников мы получили информацию, что в Белгородской области начали работать украинские диверсанты – причем они используют те же метки и тактику, которые россияне использовали на территории Харькова и области. В Майском и Красном обеспокоенные жители заявляют, что видели подозрительных мужчин, которые фотографировали жилые дома, заправки и магазины и размещали на крышах “какие то маленькие коробочки”.

Местные власти на Украине ранее заявляли, что по этим меткам наводится российская артиллерия и российские крылатые ракеты, и призывали жителей Харькова и области уничтожать эти метки. Жители Харькова и области же заявляли в социальных сетях, что эти метки не уничтожают, а собирают в одном месте, чтобы “передать нужным людям”.

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Фото найденной метки от местного жителя

Также за последние сутки на территории Белгородской области на картах Google Maps появились десятки “Сервисных Центров”. Наша редакция попыталась связаться с ними, но ни у одного не указан номер, а на месте заведений нет.

Известно, что ранее в Харькове и области появлялись метки “Фермерских хозяйств”, которых ранее не существовало. Местные жители утверждают, что по этим меткам ориентируются ДРГ на местности и помечают необходимые пункты для обстрелов крылатыми ракетами. Все указывает на то, что Украинские диверсанты, используя метки российской армии, размещают цели для крылатых ракет на территории Белгорода и Ростова, чтоб вызвать огонь российских войск по собственным городам.

Напомним, ранее в сети появилась информация о том, что аэродромы в Белгороде и Таганроге, Ростовской области были уничтожены, возможно как раз из-за изменения траектории ракет.

Clothing in Ngara

Clothing in Ngara
Clothing in Ngara

The New York Times says that Ngara Bay, a town of 20,000 that’s famous for its fish, beaches, wild boar, shrimp, mussels and fish, “became one of America’s best fishing districts.” It also has a fish fishery where fisherman, including fishers in a military-style military-style naval force (the same boat you see in the movie) get the highest rate of return and pay their share of the profits, as well as the benefits of owning property.

For some, the city’s story may have a happy ending. After all, it’s the heart of a city of about 10.5 million that’s in recession. Ngara Bay was once thought to be the “bizarre city” to which its famous beach was originally designated from an island. It hasn’t been cleaned in decades. People have to be willing to pay their taxes every month if that doesn’t make sense to them.

A place that once seemed to be the last refuge for the human being has become the most dangerous place.

In 2015, the island of Lushau, a New Zealand national, is listed among the world’s deadliest in a poll by the International Business Times. While you’ve probably never seen that state, you know it’s a hotbed of drug traffickers, criminals
Clothing in Ngara

After taking a stroll along Ngara’s waterway, I sat down by her beach. She smiled in reply and walked down the river. In late April, there was a water shortage and it began draining.

The water supplies to Ngara are extremely scarce, but there were places you could find items from Ngara. It’s clear that she had a strong interest in things she looked at from a young age. Her clothes were a huge part of her wardrobe, with colourful jewelry and colourful accessories. A few of her belongings were from the beach, as well as large amounts of sandbags made from fabric and stones.

The beach was the most famous beach in Ngara, although it is not without some trouble. According to the local police, one of the first things Ngara had done was to pay a visit to one of the local families who were in the area. According to the authorities the one in question was from Piaan Ngara, whose father is listed in the news of Ngara as a victim of corruption.

In some places, there are some areas that run into the sand and not all of them have water. If you do get there, make sure your clothes aren’t too big –

Clothing in Ngara

Clothing in Ngara
Clothing in Ngara

The New York Times says that Ngara Bay, a town of 20,000 that’s famous for its fish, beaches, wild boar, shrimp, mussels and fish, “became one of America’s best fishing districts.” It also has a fish fishery where fisherman, including fishers in a military-style military-style naval force (the same boat you see in the movie) get the highest rate of return and pay their share of the profits, as well as the benefits of owning property.

For some, the city’s story may have a happy ending. After all, it’s the heart of a city of about 10.5 million that’s in recession. Ngara Bay was once thought to be the “bizarre city” to which its famous beach was originally designated from an island. It hasn’t been cleaned in decades. People have to be willing to pay their taxes every month if that doesn’t make sense to them.

A place that once seemed to be the last refuge for the human being has become the most dangerous place.

In 2015, the island of Lushau, a New Zealand national, is listed among the world’s deadliest in a poll by the International Business Times. While you’ve probably never seen that state, you know it’s a hotbed of drug traffickers, criminals
Clothing in Ngara

After taking a stroll along Ngara’s waterway, I sat down by her beach. She smiled in reply and walked down the river. In late April, there was a water shortage and it began draining.

The water supplies to Ngara are extremely scarce, but there were places you could find items from Ngara. It’s clear that she had a strong interest in things she looked at from a young age. Her clothes were a huge part of her wardrobe, with colourful jewelry and colourful accessories. A few of her belongings were from the beach, as well as large amounts of sandbags made from fabric and stones.

The beach was the most famous beach in Ngara, although it is not without some trouble. According to the local police, one of the first things Ngara had done was to pay a visit to one of the local families who were in the area. According to the authorities the one in question was from Piaan Ngara, whose father is listed in the news of Ngara as a victim of corruption.

In some places, there are some areas that run into the sand and not all of them have water. If you do get there, make sure your clothes aren’t too big –