in Uganda / Price on

in Uganda / Price on
  in Uganda / Price on
150 Mtrs off Kasubi – Hoima Rd, Lubya Hill, Kampala Uganda
Rates are provided by our partners per room, subject to different occupancy policies provided by the property, and include average room rates per night and taxes and fees known to our partners. Detailed information can be found on the websites of our partners.
How payments we receive affect how prices are displayed. Room types may vary.
Religious sites
#10 of 334 B
room tips
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More places to stay in Kampala:
в‚ґ1,419 – в‚ґ1,685 (Based on Average Standard Room Rate)
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in Uganda / Price on

in Uganda / Price on
  in Uganda / Price on
150 Mtrs off Kasubi – Hoima Rd, Lubya Hill, Kampala Uganda
Rates are provided by our partners per room, subject to different occupancy policies provided by the property, and include average room rates per night and taxes and fees known to our partners. Detailed information can be found on the websites of our partners.
How payments we receive affect how prices are displayed. Room types may vary.
Religious sites
#10 of 334 B
room tips
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More places to stay in Kampala:
в‚ґ1,419 – в‚ґ1,685 (Based on Average Standard Room Rate)
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