TV Stands in Ethiopia

TV Stands in Ethiopia
TV Stands in Ethiopia

According to the South Korean National Defense and Security Administration, China plans to “take the necessary steps to protect the East Antarctic fleet and its natural resources.”

“China’s efforts to protect East Antarctica are very important for the country’s security,” said a South Korean military official in the statement. “China wants to keep as many ships and ships and submarines in the South Pacific from being diverted to the South China Sea region.”
TV Stands in Ethiopia’s Cipollan. В© 2013 AP Photo/Alamy

On Dec. 12, the president of the Democratic Party of Ethiopia, Ismail Abdallah, held his first meeting at the Giza hotel. He addressed a crowd that included top Democratic Party members including members of his own party.

Unedin said one of the primary aims of President Abdallah’s visit was to “end the brutal occupation of the southern coast of Ethiopia by the Ethiopian government.” The next day a series of rallies held by the party were held in other capitals, including in Egypt, Tunisia and South Africa.

“I am a country and nation, one with respect to the future of human rights,” Abdallah, whose party is the only one to support the current government, said, referring to the military dictatorship imposed on Ethiopia just after independence from Ethiopia’s colonial regime in 1991.
On Thursday, another group of dignitaries visited from both Egypt and Tunisia, including President Obama. One of them, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, said in a statement that his wife “has been overwhelmed by the magnitude of the response. And despite all the talk about the need to end the Ethiopian political system, we cannot let the Ethiopian government die.”

The White House and White House National Security Council denied the Ethiopian government had used political violence and warned it would fight “any war that puts at risk the people and a democratic state.”